Choosing a Good Natural Conditioner:
Anyone who has ever walked into the shampoo aisle at the local big box store knows just how many conditioner options there are. And that’s not even counting all the ones sold online or in specialty stores. Even the homemade conditioner options can be overwhelming.
What You Need to Know About A Scalp Serum and How To Use a Scalp Serum
When it comes to hair care and maintaining a healthy routine, most of us neglect to remember that our scalps are skin too and need the same care and attention as the rest of our body does. That’s why, while we may be doing the most when it comes to our hair routine, we may not be seeing the full benefits we would with the addition of a serious scalp routine. -
What's NOT in our Products: Why we want you to know!
Few years ago, Essential Natural Brands (ENB) began a health journey that involved beginning to “eat clean,” a phrase that’s become a buzzword in the last few years. ENB worked with a nutritionist to remove the inorganic ingredients from their diet. To thank her for her help, ENB gifted the nutritionist with some homemade skincare products. The nutritionist’s response? “Now that you’ve cleaned up your food, it’s time to clean up your skincare routine.” -
How Healthy is your moisturizer?
When you visit a beauty counter, you are confronted with so many products making just as many promises. Rather than focusing on the promises that these products make, you should focus on keeping a promise to yourself: to use only the healthiest available products for your skin. -
The Importance of Reducing your Toxic Load
We all have a general idea that toxins are bad for our health and that it is a good idea to stay away from them whenever possible. But do you know the prevalence of toxins in our lives and what they are doing to our bodies? -
The Benefits of Caffeine Shampoo, a Helpful Guide
Nowadays, cosmetics containing natural ingredients are increasingly becoming popular. The claims are getting larger too! A great number of manufacturers now guarantee the extraordinary effects of their products. Caffeine is popular and in sight everywhere these days so it stands to reason that shampoos that contain caffeine will be popular too. -
What Are Syndets?
There is no such thing as a "natural" syndet.
Syndet is a blended word made by combining the words “synthetic” and “detergent.” Technically it is a cleansing product made by the binding of different synthetic detergents.
Natural Soap VS Commercial Soap
You are trying to decide whether to purchase a bar of handmade natural soap or a commercial brand of soap.
The natural soap bar costs more than commercial soap. So, you ask yourself, "Is there really a difference between commercial soap & natural soap? I mean, soap is soap, right? Both bars clean your skin, right?"
In this blog I would like to focus on the question, "soap is soap, right? -
Why Use Natural Soaps?
There are major differences between natural handmade soaps and commercially produced bar soaps when you consider the ingredients, the manufacturing process, the environmental impact, the effect on your skin and I could go on and on.
In this blog I would like to focus on the question, "why use natural soap"?
How To Use Scalp Serum?
It is easy to forget about our scalp until it starts to act out. We take our scalps for granted when they are smooth, clean, and healthy, and the hair that grows from it is thick and lustrous. However, when they start to itch, become sensitive, flake, turn red, shed hair, and produce thinner hairs, we begin to pay attention. -
Essential Nutrition for Healthy Hair
Natural way of keeping your hair healthy. Learn different foods that will keep your hair naturally healthy and strong. -
Natural Skin Care
At ENB it is part of our mission to educate you about ingredients, skin care, and market trends so that you can make the most informed decision about your personal health. In our natural skin care blog, we highlight the skin care benefits of organic ingredients, ingredients and products we recommend avoiding, and tips for your skin care success.
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